Lična biografija
Rođena je u Beogradu. Diplomirala je na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Beogradu, smer Elektronika. Magistrirala je na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Beogradu 1993. godine, odbranivši tezu pod naslovom: Pouzdanost elektronskih komponenata za izradu elektronskih instrumenata. Doktorirala je na UNS odbranivši prvu doktorsku disertacuju iz oblasti Muzičke akustike na ovim prostorima: Istraživanje uticaja promene vrste materijala na frekvencijski spektar muzičkih instrumenata.
Profesionalna biografija
U Višoj elektrotehničkoj školi radi najpre kao asistent na predmetu Elektronika i Osnove elektrotehnike, a zatim od 1995. godine kao predavač na predmetu Elektrotehnički materijali i komponente. Od 2000. godine radi u zvanju profesora na predmetima Elektrotehnički materijali i komponente, Osnovi elektrotehnike 1 i 2 i Elektrotehnika. Od 2005. godine radi kao profesor na predmetima Osnovi elektrotehnike 1 i 2, Elektrotehnika i Muzički instrumenti. Od 2012. godine radi kao profesor na predmetima Elektrotehnika, Muzički instrumenti, Snimanje zvuka, Snimanje i produkcija zvuka za medije i Primenjena akustika. Od 2017. godine radi kao profesor na predmetima Elektrotehnika, Muzički instrumenti, Snimanje zvuka, Snimanje i produkcija zvuka za medije, Primenjena akustika, Audio uređaji i sistemi, Sistemi za audio i video produkciju.
1. Sajfert V., Krstić S., Popov D., Pop N.: Absorbtion of Sound Vaves - Analele Universitatti de Vest din Timisoara, Vol. LV, 2011, Seria Fisica
2. Drinčić D., Krstić S., Zeković A., Martinović D.: Noise Measurements and Protection - ECOLOGICA , accepted for publishing 10th of April 2009
3. Krstić S., Sajfert V.,Tošić B.: Quantum Theory of Individual Phonons -International Journal of Modern Physics B, accepted for publishing on 18th of November 2008
5. Krstić S., Sajfert V.,Tošić B.: Behaviour of Sound Waves in Shepherd Flute on the Basis of Quantum Theory of Individual Phonons, International Journal of Modern Physics B, accepted for publishing on 18th of November 2008 Volume No.24, Issue No. 17.
4. Sajfert V., Popov D., Jaćinovski S., Krstić S., Tošić B.: Electron – Phonon interaction in nano cylinder and some consequences - Analele Universitatii de Vest din Timisoara, Vol. LI, 2007
5. Osmokrović P., Krivokapić I., Krstić S. – Mechanisam of Electrical Breakdown Left of the Paschen s Minimum – IEEE Trans. On Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 1994, Vol.1, No.1, pp 77 – 81
6. Osmokrović P., Krstić S., Ljevak M., Novaković D. – Influence of GIS parameters on the Topler Constant – IEEE Trans. On Electrical Insulation 1992, Vol.27, No.2, pp 214 – 220
7. Krivokapić I., Krstić S., Osmokrović P. – Optimizacija karakteristika gasnog odvodnika prenapona – Elektrotehnika 40, Beograd, 1991, 11 – 12, pp 788 – 792
1. Krstić S., Milošević M.: Comparative Analysis of the Sound Spectrum Content for Percussion Musical Instruments – ETAI, Ohrid, 2015
2. Krstić S., Drinčić D., Milošević M.: Sound Forge software implementation in students' education in Musical Acoustics - INFOTEH Jahorina, 2010
3. Kecojević Z., Drinčić D., Krstić S.: Audio System Control using DSP programmabile Audio matrix and LAN Network - INFOTEH, 2009
4. Sajfert V., Popov D., Jaćinovski K.,Krstić S.,Tošić B.: Electron – Phonon interaction in nano cylinder and some consequences, Analele Universitatii de Vest din Timisoara, Vol. LI, 2007
6. Osmokrović P., Krivokapić I., Krstić S. – Stability of the Gas Filled Surge Arrestors Characteristics Under Service Conditions - 15th International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, Darmstadt, 1992, Paper 1P20, pp 103 – 108
7. Osmokrović P., Krivokapić I., Krstić S., Lacković I. – The Reversibility of the Characteristics of Gas Filled Surge Arrestors - 8th IEEE Pulsed Power, San Diego, 1991, pp 908 – 911
8. Osmokrović P., Ljevak M., Novaković D., Krstić S. – Gas Mixtures Insulation – Properties Measurements – Practical Significance for Switches with Gas Insulators - 8th IEEE Pulsed Power, San Diego, 1991, pp 328 – 331
5. Raković D., Kostić R., Krstić S., Davidova I., Fayfel B.L., Gribov L.A. – A Modified Extended Hückel Calculations for QID Graphites – Optical and Electrical Properties of Polymers, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol.214, 1991, pp 183 – 188
9. Osmokrović P., Krivokapić I., Krstić S. – The Mechanisam of Electrical Breakdown at Points to the Left from The Paschen s Minimum – 14th International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, Santa Fe, 1990, Paper 1P13, pp 62 – 65
1. Krstić S., Milošević M., Janković N.: Uticaj dinamike na spektralne karakteristike violine - DOGS, Novi Sad, 2017
2. Krstić S., Drinčić D.,Trifunović M.: Analysis of the violin sound radiation in the studio’s conditions -TAKTONS, Novi Sad, 2017
3. Krstić S., Milošević M., Janković N.: Merenje i analiza karakteristika usmerenosti violine - ETRAN, Kladovo, 2017
4. Krstić S., Drinčić D., Milošević M.: Frequency spectrum analysis of simple one-piece Serbian C flute - TAKTONS, Novi Sad, 2015
5. Krstić S., Drinčić D., Milošević M.: Berger Experiments Auditory Tests Analysis corrected with adjusted Parameters – ETRAN, 2015
5. Krstić S., Drinčić D., Milošević M.: The Influence of the Lute free resonating Strings on the tonal and spectral Characteristics - DOGS, Novi Sad, 2014
7. Krstić S., Drinčić D., Milošević M.: The Influence of the Lute Neck Morphology on the Tonal and Spectral Characteristics - ETRAN, Vrnjačka Banja, 2014
8. Krstić S., Milošević I., Trifunović M.: Positive and Negative Aspects of Distant Learning: Experiences with Moodle Platform – Synthesis, Singidunum, Beograd, 2014
9. Krstić S., Drinčić D., Milošević M.: Frequency Spectrum Analysis of Simple One-piece Serbian C Flute - AES Regional Convention, Proceedings of The Second International Conference TAKTONS - Novi Sad, Serbia, November 13th – 16th 2013
10. Krstić S., Todorović D., Milošević M.: Measuring and analyzing directional Characteristics of the Serbian Flute - ETRAN, Zlatibor, 2013
11. Krstić. S., Drinčić D., Milošević M.: Classical Guitar with and without Resonator: Comparative Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics - TELFOR, Beograd, 2012
12. Krstić. S., Drinčić D., Trifunović M., Milenković M.: Noise Measurements in the Belgrade Zoo - ECOLOGY of Urban Areas, Ečka, 2012
13. Krstić. S., Drinčić D., Milošević M.: Dynamic and Spectra Characteristics of Classical Guitar - DOGS, Kovačica, 2012
14. Krstić. S., Drinčić D., Milošević M.: Dynamic Characteristics of Classical Guitar
- ETRAN, Zlatibor, 2012
17. Drinčić D., Krstić S., Ivanović M.: Speech Intelligibility in the Classrooms – DOGS, Iriški Venac, 2010 – 2012
14. Krstić. S., Drinčić D., Milošević M.: Didjeribone Construction, Intonation and Sound Spectrum Analysis - TELFOR, Beograd, 2011
16. Krstić. S., Drinčić D., Milošević M.: Comparative Analysis of the Serbian Flute Sound Spectra Recorded with Microphone placed in different Positions – ETRAN, 2011
18. Drinčić D., Krstić S., Ivanović M.: Acoustical Characteristics of Advanced School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Classrooms – TELFOR, Beograd, 2010
19. Drinčić D., Kecojević Z., Krstić S.: One Solution of Audio Systems Powering – ETRAN, Donji Milanovac, 2010
20. Drinčić D., Krstić S., Ivanović M.: Acoustical Parameters measurement of the Rooms for Speech and Music applaying EASERA software – INFOTEH, Jahorina, March 2010 (vol.9, 449 – 453)
21. Krstić S., Drinčić D., Milošević M.: How do different Materials and different inner Diameters affect One-piece and Two-piece Serbian Flute – DOGS, Iriški Venac, 2010
22. Krstić. S., Drinčić D., Milošević M.: Comparative Analysis of the Recorder Family Musical Instruments Sound Spectra – TELFOR, Beograd, 2010
23. Krstić S., Drinčić D., Milošević M.: Comparative Analysis of the Recorder and Two-piece Serbian Flute Sound Spectra - ETRAN Donji Milanovac, 2010
24. Krstić S., Drinčić D., Milošević M.: Frequency Spectrum Analysis of the Head of the Two-piece Serbian C Flute - TELFOR, Beograd 2009
25.. Krstić S., Drinčić D., Milošević M.: Sound Spectrum of the Two-piece Srrbian C Major Flute - ETRAN, Vrnjačka Banja 2009
26. Drinčić D., Krstić S., Kecojević Z.: Acoustic Applification in Reinforcement Audio Systems - TELFOR, Beograd 2008
27. Drinčić D., Krstić S., Kecojević Z. : Speech Signal Modification in Reinforcement Audio Systems , DOGS - Kelebija 2008
6. Krstić S., Drinčić D., Milošević M.: Comparative Frequency Spectrum Analysis of One-piece Serbian C Flute - TELFOR, Beograd 2008
29. Krstić S., Drinčić D., Milošević M.: How do different Materials affect Simple Serbian C Major Flute - DOGS, Kelebija 2008.
30. Krstić S., Drinčić D., Milošević M.: Frequency Spectrum Analysis of One-piece Serbian Shepards Flute - ETRAN, Palić 2008
31. Krstić S., Osmokrović P., Kartalović N., Ostojić D – Vacuum Electrical Breakdown Mechanism – 18th SPIG, Kotor 1996
32. Krivokapić I., Krstić S., Osmokrović P. – Investigating Gas Filled Surge Aresstors Impuls Characteristics – ETAN, Zagreb, 1990
33. Krivokapić I., Krstić S., Kunosić A. – Possibility of Improvement Characteristics of Gas Filled Surge Aresstors by using Hollow Cathode Effect - 15th SPIG, Dubrovnik 1990
3. Krstić S. : Acoustics of Musical Instruments, Beograd, VŠER, 2009
11. Raković D., Krstić S., Turković LJ.: Modern Materials and Technologies, Beograd, Grosknjiga, 1997
1. Krstić S., Đukić I.: Electrical Engineering Book 1 , Beograd, VIŠER, 2018
2. Krstić S., Đukić I.: Electrical Engineering Book 2, Beograd, VIŠER, 2018
4. Krstić S., Cerić V.: Musical Instruments Handbook , Beograd, VIŠER, 2017
5 Krstić S., Milošević I., Golubović S.: Basics of Electrical Engineering Handbook - Beograd 2015
6. Krstić S., Milošević M., Panić N., Tomić O.: Applayed Acoustics Handbook, Beograd, VIŠER, 2014
7. Krstić S. : Basics of Electrical Engineering Handbook 1, Beograd, VIŠER, 2012
9. Krstić S., Cerić V.: Musical Instruments Handbook 1, Beograd, VŠER, 2010
10. Krstić S., Cerić V.: Musical Instruments Handbook 2, Beograd, VŠER, 2010
8. Krstić S. : Basics of Electrical Engineering Handbook 2, Beograd, VIŠER, 2012