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Academy of Technical and Art Applied Studies

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Students Parliament

Students Parliament is one of the bodies of the Academy of Technical and Art Applied Studies Belgrade (ATUSS). The main activity of the Students Parliament is to represent and protect the rights and interests of all students and to consider issues and activities of interest to students.

What are the competencies of the Students Parliament?

  • Adoption of the rulebooks related to the activity of Students Parliament.
  • Election of student representatives in ATUSS bodies.
  • Election of student representatives in the Students Conference of the Academies of Applied Studies and in the bodies of others institutions, associations and organizations in which ATUSS students are represented.
  • Participation in the self-evaluation of the institution and in procedures for assessing the quality of study programs and teaching process.
  • Carries out activities related to: quality assurance of teaching process, reform of study programs, analysis and assessment of the efficiency of studies, determination of number of ECTS points, protection of students rights and the improvement of students standards.
  • Initiate the adoption or amendment of regulations of interest for students.
  • Coordinating the programs of extracurricular activities of students, establishing student sections and other forms of student organization, in order to promote sports, cultural, scientific-professional, artistic and similar activities.
  • Realization of student cooperation.

The Students Parliament is composed of three representatives of each Department that is part of ATUSS (a total of 15 members). All students of the VISER Department with active student status in the year in which the elections for the Students Parliament are held, have the right to elect members and to be elected as a member of the Students Parliament of ATUSS.