Internship is designed to facilitate the student's transition from applied education to professional work. The aim of the internship is to bring the student closer to his practical activity through work. The student gets the opportunity to apply the knowledge, skills and competences he has acquired in the School, mostly in separate disciplines, in practice, or in a real business environment.
Internship is carried out in appropriate production facilities, companies and public institutions. The student chooses an enterprise or institution in which he / she will realize the internship. In agreement with the manager or person in charge of the enterprise, and in accordance with the needs of the profession for which the student is being trained, the content of the internship is defined. The program of the internship is in accordance with the set educational goals defined by the study program. During and after the completion of the internship, the journal is written in the form of seminar paper and is orally defended.
Students will be trained to apply previously acquired theoretical and professional knowledge to solve specific practical engineering problems within the chosen company or institution. The outcome is getting students to know about the activity of the selected company, the way of its business, management and the place and role of engineers in their organizational structures.
Instructions for internship - FORM 52 (PDF)
Job offer in the company "HDT D&P"
Company Nelt - fourth cycle of the Good Start program
Company Hutchinson – for Maintenance technician, trainee
Company TeleTrader LLC - for Web designer