Intelligent Systems and TechnologiesCourse code: 151507 | 6 ECTS credits
Basic information
Level of Studies:Undergraduate applied studies
Year of Study:3
Requirements:Middle level programming and mathematics knowledge.
Goal:Introducing AI (Artificial Intelligence) technologies in software applications, acquiring knowledge necessary for working with development tools and their integration into information systems, introduction to contemporary trends in AI.
Outcome:Students will be able to use different kind of frameworks and software libraries to integrate business intelligence into the IS to achieve advanced functionality and to further develop themselves in this area
Contents of the course
Theoretical instruction:
Introduction to AI
Search Algorithms 1
Search Algorithms 2
Proposition and First Order Logic
Expert Systems
Fuzzy Logic
Bayessian Networks
Artificial Networks and Genetic Algorithm
The Course's First Part Overview
Description Logic
Semantic Web
Technics and Technologies for Advanced Data Search
In accordance with the subject addressed in the course of the lecture. Demonstrate the practical development of intelligent systems presented in lectures, using the selected tools. The course program is in line with the recommendations of IEEE / ACM CC2001, Computer Science - CS260, Artificial Intelligence, and CS261w AI and Information.
Textbooks and References
H. Marmanis, D. Babenko, Algorithms of the Intelligent Web, Manning, United Kingdom, 2009
M.Russel, Mining the Social Web, O’Reilly, USA, 2013
V. Devedžić, Tehnologije inteligentnih sistema, Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Beograd, 2004.