Design of Information SystemsCourse code: 317205 | 8 ECTS credits
Basic information
Level of Studies:Master applied studies
Year of Study:1
Requirements:Database and Basics of Information Technology
Goal:students will acquire knowledge on conventional and object-oriented models and approaches in analysis and logical design of information systems and databases
Outcome:students will be able to develop information systems, to make appropriate documentation and will be able to create logical and physical model of data using modern approaches and tools
Contents of the course
Theoretical instruction:
Introduction of the course topics
Structural approach in logical design of IS.
Conventional analysis models. Inter-activity.
Functional modelling, functional decomposition, collecting of user requirements
Structural system analysis
Model objects - relations. Review of other conventional models IDEFnX, SADT.
Description of behavior: Activity diagrams
Logical design of structure and behavior
Information modelling, creation of entities and attributes, creation of ER diagrams, creation of business rules
Transformation of conceptual models in relational models
Application modelling, creation of physical DB scheme model, Application development
IS Design by using models. Using CASE tools
Implementation. Testing. Running in the production environment. Maintenance