Requirements:Knowledge of basic concepts of computer technology.
Goal:Acquiring knowledge about microcontrollers and their applications in embedded systems. Training of students for the analysis of work and design of modern devices based on microcontrollers.
Outcome:Knowledge needed to work with development equipment. Knowing the principle of operation of microcontrollers. Knowledge required to design and maintain devices based on microcontrollers.
Contents of the course
Theoretical instruction:
Introductory lecture (organization and content of the course). Basic concepts-microprocessor, microcomputer, microcontroller.
Comparison of von Neumann and Harvard architecture. CISC and RISC organization.
Introduction to architecture of PIC18F4550 and comparative analysis.
Development tools for working with PIC18F4550. CCS C compiler, MPLAB and assembler.
Select and configure the clock oscillator. Program counter.
Organization of memory space of PIC18F4550. Flash EEPROM, SRAM, Data EEPROM.
Direct and indirect addressing. Work with tables.
Interrupt logic of MCU and interrupt processing, priority interruptions.
Integrated reset systems of MCU - reset types.
Connecting the MCU to the environment - general and special purposes I/O ports.
Integrated peripheral subsystems of MCU.
Testing techniques and remote program modifications.
Final considerations, self-evaluation and student's survey.
Getting acquainted with development equipment and programming environment.
Program loops.
Indirect addressing.
Work with tables.
Random number generator.
Displaying data on seven-segment LEDs in a time multiplex.
Sorting data.
Serial communication and interrupts. One-wire serial protocol.
Working with matrix keyboard.
Connecting the MCU to a personal computer via a USB port and a virtual COM port.
Connecting the MCU with dot matrix alphanumeric display and graphic display.
Connecting the MCU with digital temperature sensors, relative humidity, pressure and light intensity sensors.
Programmable digital signal generator.
The program of the subject is in accordance with the recommendations of the IEEE/ACM Computing Curriculum: CE2004 Computer Engineering Body of Knowledge: CE-ESY 0-7.
Textbooks and References
V. Vasiljević, Mikroračunari, Visoka škola elektrotehnike i računarstva, strukovnih studija, Beograd, 2009.
A.Žorić, Integrisani računarski sistemi, Fakultet tehničkih nauka - K. Mitrovica, 2012.PIC 18F2455/2550/4455/4550 Data sheet, Microchip, 2008.
S. Katzen, The Essential PIC18®Microcontroller, School of Engineering University of Ulster at Jordanstown, 2010.