Business SoftwareCourse code: 170617 | 6 ECTS credits
Basic information
Level of Studies:Undergraduate applied studies
Year of Study:3
Goal:The aim of this course is to inform students about the potentials of modern software technologies in order to improve the various aspects of e-business.
Outcome:Upon completing this course, students will be able to: (1) demonstrate advanced knowledge of technical and business issues related to e-commerce and e-commerce; (2) use
applications of Business software; (3) work in a virtual team environment by developing skills for a high-level business.
Contents of the course
Theoretical instruction:
An overview of software technologies applicable to e-commerce.
Business software: definition and basic concepts
Business Software Life Cycle
Designing software
Project management
Software development and testing
Version 1.0
Software pricing
Licensing and license types
Marketing performance and sales
Business software analysis
Business software support
Consulting work
Software maintenance
The future of business software: Trends and reality