
Dokument se učitava



Academy of Technical and Art Applied Studies

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Human-Computer Interaction Course code: 130907 | 6 ECTS credits

Basic information
Level of Studies: Undergraduate applied studies
Year of Study: 2
Semester: 4
Requirements: Basics of computer knowlidge.
Goal: Acquisition of basic theoretical knowledge in the field of interaction, design and analysis of usability of user interfaces. Gaining practical and usable knowledge in the design of user interfaces, especially for Internet-oriented applications and applications for mobile platforms.
Outcome: Students are trained to independently design prototypes of basic applications based on typical templates, to perform a usability analysis and independently base the interfaces for Internet-oriented applications and mobile platforms.
Contents of the course
Theoretical instruction:
  1. Introductory lecture. Workbench for Internet applications.
  2. Participants of the interaction: user and user models. Creating custom web pages.
  3. Interaction and models. Content management systems.
  4. Interaction styles.
  5. Support in realization of interactive systems.
  6. Interaction in designing Internet applications.
  7. Interaction in designing mobile applications.
  8. Cognitive models.
  9. Usability.
  10. Methods of task analysis.
  11. Notation of interaction dialogue and analysis methods.
  12. Modeling interaction in software development.
Practical instruction (Problem solving sessions/Lab work/Practical training):
  1. Creating basic graphic intersections.
  2. Getting acquainted with the tools for creating user interfaces for Internet applications.
  3. Content management systems-realization.
  4. Get acquainted with the tools for creating user interfaces for mobile platforms.
  5. Visualization of information: dynamic queries, filters, controls for display.
  6. Usability Measurement Techniques.
Textbooks and References
  1. B. Shneiderman, C.Plaisant, Dizajniranje korisničkog interfejsa, CET, 2005.
  2. R. Boyer, K. Mew, Android Studio IDE kuvar za razvoj aplikacija, Kompjuter biblioteka, 2016.
  3. K. Krol, WordPress 4.x u celosti, Kompjuter biblioteka, 2015.
  4. A. Dix, J. Finlay, G. Abowd, R Beale, Human-Computer Interaction, Pearson Education, 2004.
  5. Z. Cirovic, Materijali sa predavanja i vežbi , VISER, 2020.
Number of active classes (weekly)
Lectures: 3
Practical classes: 2
Other types of classes: 0
Grading (maximum number of points: 100)
Pre-exam obligations
activities during lectures
activities on practial excersises
seminary work
Final exam
Written exam
Oral exam
Practical exam

