Requirements:Passed exams proposed by the study programme of master vocational studies Electrical Engineering.
Goal:Training students to research and solve problems, on the basis of theoretical and practical knowledge acquired, in the field of electrical engineering in companies dealing with this field theoretically and empirically, as well as to interpret and make the results practically applicable.
Outcome:It is expected that the students develop the following competencies: ability of students to apply theoretical and empirical research methods in the field of electrical engineering; ability of students to identify, shape methodological, theoretical and empirical explore practical problems in companies engaged in electrical engineering; develop the ability of students to improving the application of electrical engineering in companies.
Contents of the course
General facilities:
Postgraduated/Master thesis work on the Postgraduated/Master applied studies represent the practical research work of students where students apply the acquired knowledge in the field of electrical engineering and research methodology. Postgraduated/Master 's thesis is a project which solves a practical problem in the field of electrical engineering, which was accepted by the respective companies and higher education institutions in which the student is studying. Postgraduated/Master thesis is made in companies with which the higher education institution has a contract.
Once adopted theme of the Postgraduated/Master thesis, students make study research project which must be approved by a mentor. After that, the student, in the framework of applied research activities, conducts research and writes a report on the research conducted in the form of a seminar paper. After passing the exam in Applied Research Postgraduated/Master student writes a paper that contains the results of applied research. Postgraduated/Master thesis contains the following sections: introduction, theoretical part, experimental part, results and discussion, conclusion, literature review, contributions.
After completing the work, the student in consultation and coordination with the supervisor access to the public defense of the final work. Member of the commission for the defense of the final work is representative of the company in which the candidate realizes Postgraduated/Master thesis.