Requirements:Pre-knowledge of object programming as well as the basics of Internet technologies.
Goal:Train students to integrate software technologies.
Outcome:Students are taught to use, using new development tools, to write and project applications that use different software platforms and operating systems.
Contents of the course
Theoretical instruction:
Introductory lecture. Concepts of React.
JSX. Conditional statements, fragments and creating components.
JS projects. Tools: npm, npx and IDE for creating React projects.
ReactJs. Interpolation. Styling of components.
ReactJs. Working with hooks. Component state and reactivity.
ReactJs. Common conditions. Data context.
ReactJs. Use of reducers, routers, memory optimizers.
NodeJS. Introduction and asynchronous concepts.
NodeJS. Development of modules and packages. Working with the npm repository.
NodeJS. HTTP and express module.
Versioning techniques. The basics of Git.
Working in a network environment, teamwork and conflict resolution.