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Academy of Technical and Art Applied Studies

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Modern Methods of Air Depuration in Industry Course code: 180517 | 6 ECTS credits

Basic information
Level of Studies: Undergraduate applied studies
Year of Study: 2
Semester: 4
Requirements: Knowledge from the basis of electroenergetics and new energy technologies.
Goal: Acquiring basic knowledge about the role and significance of electric power devices (EPD) applied in ecology. Study of EPD as a means for removing air pollution in industry, electrical power industry, studying advanced air quality management techniques.
Outcome: Students will be trained to understand the basic principles of air purification, the working methods of the EPD used in this area for the elimination of air pollution, in order to meet the emission limit values in industrial plants.
Contents of the course
Theoretical instruction:
  1. Introductory lecture; Basic concepts of sources of industrial air pollution (thermal power plants, cement plants, heating plants), global and domestic emission limit values (ELV).
  2. The negative effect of the sources of air-pollution on the ecosystem, basic techniques and the ways to reduce air-pollution.
  3. Bio-ionisers as an air purifier.
  4. Electrostatic methods and their applications in the reduction of air pollution (electrostatic precipitator).
  5. The role of electric power supplies in air purification systems (basic principles and topology).
  6. The basic principles of operation of the electric power plants for air purification (separation of solids, desulphurization, denitrification, removal of mercury and heavy metals).
  7. Colloquium 1
  8. Ways and methods for depositing isolated solids from the air.
  9. Ways and methods of using secondary products of desulphurization and denitrification .
  10. Sensors and measuring methods used in air purification systems.
  11. Basic principles of monitoring and control of emissions of aero-pollutants.
  12. Application of information technologies in air purification systems in industry and electric power industry.
  13. Modern methods of "ON-Line" monitoring of emissions and data acquisition.
  14. Trends in the future development of electric power plants for air purification - possibility of realization of thermal power plants and heating plants without chimney.
  15. Colloquium 2
Practical instruction (Problem solving sessions/Lab work/Practical training):
  1. Practical classes are organized through auditory exercises and seminar work. Practical classes are fully followed by a lecture program. A part of practical lessons is foreseen through the visit to the electric power plants for purification of waste gases at thermal power plants.
Textbooks and References
  1. S.Vukosavić, Ž.Despotović, I.Cvetković,Savremene metode elektrostatičkog izdvajanja čestica iz dimnih gasova na termoelektranama i toplanama, Studija urađena u okviru projekta Ministarstva nauke TR3022, ETF, Univerzitet Beogradu, Institut Institut M.Pupin, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd 2006.
  2. Ž.Despotović, S.Vukosavić, M.Bakić, Savremeni elektrostatički izdvajači, ENERGIJA-ekonomija-ekologija, Vol 3, pp.237-247, 2010.
  3. D.A.Vallero, Fundamentals of Air Pollution (Fifth edition), Academic Press, 2014.
  4. M.Z.Jacobson, Air Pollution and Global Warming, Cambridge University Press, 2012.
  5. Ken Parker, Electrical operation of electrostatic precipitators, 3rd, IEE Power and Energy, London, 2003
  6. Z.Despotovic, “Some Experiences in the Exploitation of Triboelectric Sensors for Measuring Concentration of particulate Matter on Thermal Power Plants”, XII International Conference INFOTEH 2013, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 20-22.03.2013; https://infoteh.etf.ues.rs.ba/zbornik/2013/radovi/TES/TES-2.pdf
  7. Z.Despotovic, S.Vukosavic, M.Terzic, “Contemporary Approach to Power of Electrostatic Precipitators”, XII International Conference INFOTEH 2013, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 20-22.03.2013;https://infoteh.etf.ues.rs.ba/zbornik/2013/radovi/ENS-4/ENS-4-1.pdf
Number of active classes (weekly)
Lectures: 3
Practical classes: 2
Other types of classes: 0
Grading (maximum number of points: 100)
Pre-exam obligations
activities during lectures
activities on practial excersises
seminary work
Final exam
Written exam
Oral exam
Practical exam



Course presentation (3) Lectures (18)

Savremeni elektrostatički izdvajači

dr Željko Despotović, 05.03.2020., 0.52 MB

Osnovni principi rada jonizatora za industrijsko prečišćavanje vazduha

dr Željko Despotović, 26.03.2020., 2 MB

Elektrostatički Izdvajači

dr Željko Despotović, 28.03.2020., 5.42 MB

Uloga energetskih napajanja u sistemima za prečišćavanje vazduha na termoelektranama

dr Željko Despotović, 29.03.2020., 1.44 MB

Odsumporavanje dimnih gasova u industriji

dr Željko Despotović, 20.04.2020., 2.18 MB

Uklanjanje oksida azota (NOx) iz dimnih gasova u industriji (denitrifikacija)

dr Željko Despotović, 05.05.2020., 2.08 MB

REV_Predavanje 1-Osnovne metode i postupci za prečišćavanje vazduha u industriji

dr Željko Despotović, 19.06.2021., 4.72 MB

REV_Osnovni principi rada jonizatora za industrijsko prečišćavanje vazduha

dr Željko Despotović, 19.06.2021., 2.02 MB

REV_Sistemi za evakuaciju pepela i šljake na termoenergetskim postrojenjima

dr Željko Despotović, 19.06.2021., 3.68 MB

REV_Vrećasti filteri za prečišćavanje vazduha u industriji

dr Željko Despotović, 19.06.2021., 2.35 MB

REV_Akustički sistemi za poboljšanje otresanja i evakuaciju pepela na termoenergetskim postrojenjima

dr Željko Despotović, 19.06.2021., 1.82 MB

Merne metode i merna oprema u sistemima za uklanjanje čvrstih čestica u industriji

dr Željko Despotović, 19.06.2021., 1.52 MB


dr Željko Despotović, 19.06.2021., 0.07 MB

REV_Uklanjanje žive i teških metala u industriji

dr Željko Despotović, 19.06.2021., 1.12 MB

Monitoring emisija industrijskih gasova

dr Željko Despotović, 19.06.2021., 1.73 MB

Monitoring emisija industrijskih gasova: novi zahtevi i limiti

dr Željko Despotović, 19.06.2021., 0.21 MB

Uvodno predavanje-Osnovni pojmovi o izvorima industrijskih aerozagađenja

dr Željko Despotović, 02.03.2022., 2.58 MB

Odsumporavanje dimnih gasova u industriji-norme GVE i osnovni principi

dr Željko Despotović, 05.05.2022., 2.64 MB

Practical classes (0)
Downloads (2) Colloquiums and preliminary results (0)