Goal:Student Internship is supposed to help each student in his/her transition from applied studies to professional work. The goal of an internship is to bring the student closer to practical work through active engagement. The student is thereby given the opportunity to apply all the knowledge and skills, gained through the theoretical aspect of learning, from separate disciplines, in practice.
Outcome:Students will become capable to apply the previously gained theoretical knowledge in solving specific practical engineering tasks in a company or an institution of choice. Another outcome is that students will be introduced to the work of the chosen company, their business activities, form of management, as well as the role and place of an engineer in their organisational structures.
Practical Work is realised in corresponding production plants, companies and public institutions. Each student chooses his/her company or institution in which he/she will complete his/her internship. As agreed with the management of the company or a person in charge, internship content is defined in accordance with the needs of the profession a student is developing his/her expertise in. Internship programmes are developed in compliance with education goals defined in each study programme. During the internship, and upon its completion, a student writes his/her journal in the form of final work which he/she has a defense for.