Internet ProgrammingCourse code: 151207 | 6 ECTS credits
Basic information
Level of Studies:Undergraduate applied studies
Year of Study:3
Goal:The aim of teaching is to enable students to design and write modern web applications using the basic elements of the programming language Java. Introducing students to the ways of implementation of complex client Web page. Realization of the Web page using HTML and JavaScript programming language, using advanced techniques.
Outcome:At the end of the course, students will be trained to help with the modern development environment to develop commercial Web applications based on Java programming language. It will be competent to design a three-tier Web application and upload it on the internet.
Contents of the course
Theoretical instruction:
Introduction to internet programming.
Multi-tier architecture of client-server systems.
Structure of internet applications.
Internet protocols.
Programming languages for developing websites. XML. HTML. DOM. JavaScript. Server-side scripting languages.
Web application development platforms.
Java applications and applets, JSP, EJB.
Java database connectivity - JDBC.
Struts framework.
Web forms and user interaction.
Java collections framework - JCF.
Web service.
Authentication, authorization and session management.
Case studies of Internet applications implemented Java technology.
Examples of the gradual development of complex applications of the new generation.
Individual work on multi-tier Internet application using JSF framework.
Textbooks and References
Internet programiranje 1, Boško Nikolić, VIŠER, Beograd, (2008)
Programiranje internet aplikacija, udžbenik sa zbirkom zadataka, Boško Nikolić, Dražen Drašković, Akademska misao, Beograd, (2017).
Uvod u Internet tehnologije, Zoran Ćirović, VIŠER, Beograd, (2015).
Osnovi programiranja, Slobodanka Đenić, VIŠER, Beograd, (2018)
Internet programiranje, Miroslav D. Lutovac, ISBN: 978-86-7982-324-3, VIŠER, Beograd, (2020).
Javaskript i servleti, programiranje internet aplikacija, Miroslav Lutovac, ISBN: 978-86-88443-03-6, LMAAM, Beograd, (2020), u čitaonici Narodne biblioteke Srbije, Beograd, Vračar.