Requirements:High school level knowledge of mathematics and physics
Goal:Understanding of the fundamental laws of physics and basic physical concepts, developing mathematical, experimental and conceptual knowledge and skills through examples from engineering practice and to develop theoretical and analytical skills needed for a career in knowledge based industries
Outcome:To develop a broad range of skills, including the experimental, theoretical and analytical skills to use: 1) adequate theoretical and mathematical description and interconnection of processes in general physics,
2) adequate mathematical description of physical properties,
3) application of physical laws, relations and processes in solving basic technical problems
Contents of the course
Theoretical instruction:
Basics of kinematics
Basic laws of dynamics: Newton's second law of motion, law of inertia, law of action and reaction, conservation of momentum
Types of forces. Work. Conservation of energy
Oscillations. Mechanical waves
Pressure. Pressure in stationary fluids. Buoyancy
Mechanics of fluids
Thermophysics. Phase changes. Ideal gas
Basic principles and applications of electrodynamics
Mirković M: Fizika, VIII izdanje,Visoka građevinsko-geodetska škola, Beograd, 2017., ISBN 978-86-7488-149-1, str. 261
Mirković M: Zbirka zadataka iz fizike, VIII izdanje, Visoka građevinsko-geodetska škola, Beograd, 2017., ISBN 978-86-7488-148-4, str.168
Babović V, Sajfert V, Odabrane lekcije iz fizike, Viša elektrotehnička škola, Beograd 2002.
Pavlović B. Stanojević D. Fizika, Naučna knjiga, Beograd
Predavanja iz fizike (V.Georgijević sa saradnicima, Tehnički fakulteti Univerѕiteta u Beogradu, Evropska Komisija, Direktorat za obrazovanje i kulturu, TEMPUS projekat broj CD_JEP-16123-2001, Beograd, 2005).
D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker, Fundamentals of physics, 7th Edition, Wiley, 2005.